Minimum tumor input requirement: 0.65mm3 tumor tissue volume, showing at least 10% tumor cellularity. Metastatic tumor tissue is preferred; tumor tissue from primary site of origin is also acceptable in patients with advanced stage disease.


15 unstained slides cut at 5 microns, to be analyzed with corresponding H&E slide and a pathology report.


Specimen block preferred.


If tumor nuclei in sample is >50%, 7 rolls cut at 10 microns equal (70 microns). Samples must come with corresponding H&E slides from the top and bottom of the sample and a pathology report.


Previously extracted DNA is acceptable, providing the isolation of nucleic acid occurs in a CLIA-certified laboratory or a laboratory meeting equivalent requirements as determined by CMS and/or CAP. Minimum 40ng is required.

Cytology smears are also acceptable.


For chronic lymphoid leukemias, Peripheral blood or marrow aspirate liquid samples may be submitted in Lavender top EDTA or Green Top Sodium Heparinized tubes.

  • 10-15 ml preferred, although a testing will be attempted with as little as 0.5 ml.

For tissue based lymphomas, FFPE biopsy specimens (needle core or excisional biopsies) are acceptable, and same considerations as for solid tumors would apply.


15 unstained slides cut at 5 microns, to be analyzed with corresponding H&E slide and a pathology report.


Specimen block preferred.


If tumor nuclei in sample is >50%, 7 rolls cut at 10 microns equal (70 microns). Samples must come with corresponding H&E slides from the top and bottom of the sample and a pathology report.


Previously extracted DNA is acceptable, providing the isolation of nucleic acid occurs in a CLIA-certified laboratory or a laboratory meeting equivalent requirements as determined by CMS and/or CAP. Minimum 40ng is required.

Cytology smears are also acceptable. Lightly decalcified bone marrow core biopsies may also be considered.